Today is 14 august, the independence day of Pakistan. Before partition, Muslim of subcontinent found difficulty in practicing Islam while living with Hindus and under the ruling ship of Britishers, so they felt the need of separate Muslim state where they can practice Islam and live peaceful free life and ultimately the dream of Pakistan came true. Back in 1947, same day many people migrated from India to newly born state Pakistan with a clear motive that Muslim of subcontinent can live peacefully and practice their religion Islam without and hurdles and troubles. They achieved their dream of Free State with the help of some great leaders and intellectual like Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah (Founder of Pakistan), Allama Iqbal (Motivational Poet) and many more.
Pakistan was developing gradually but these developments was
not bearable by some enemies of Pakistan and try to hit and successfully create
bleeding impact on growth of Pakistan in 1965 and 1971, where Bangladesh, once
a part of Pakistan got separated due to immoral act of enemy of Pakistan. After
that Pakistan had not lost its motivation and goals and again tries to stand on
its own feet and start its journey again towards success and back in 1998 Pakistan
became a nuclear state with the help some shining stars of Pakistan like Dr. Abdul
Qadeer Khan. Now Pakistan became more powerful and stable and gradually
becoming a develop state.
Pakistan is a peace loving country, where most of the inhabitants
are Muslims but minorities have complete right to perform their religious
rituals freely. We Pakistanis are loving, caring and peaceful nation. Pakistan comprises
with most of young people and our young generation is motivated and with the
help of our elder’s advices, we soon become a shining Pakistan.
Pakistan Zindabad, Pakistan Paeindabad
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